
Day 21 - North Korea

In North Korea, persecution is severe and relentless. The government views Christianity as a foreign ideology and the only religion allowed is the Juche which consists of solely worshipping the Kim family. If caught with a Bible, praying, or talking about Jesus, North Koreans risk being arrested, sent to concentration camps, and even executed. Entire families can suffer if one family member is caught being a Christian. Bibles are illegal in North Korea and must be kept secret and smuggled from city to city. To donate to the 10,000 Bibles being raised for North Korea, please click the link below.

Prepare Your Heart

Watch the video below and pray for North Korea.


  • Praise God for all the many different technologies that are beign developed and created to reach North Koreans in new ways.
  • Praise God for the unique ways he reveals himself to North Koreans whether through dreams, technology, radios, or word of mouth.


  • Pray instead for the reunification of North and South. Pray that it would be a unification that glorifies Jesus and sets the North Koreans free.
  • Pray for North Koreans who have escaped North Korea but have not made it to a country where they can be free or begin the process of healing. Pray that God would give them opportunities to settle somewhere it is safe.
  • Pray for Christians in the surrounding countries of North Korea who come across these refugees. Pray that they would help out their brothers and sisters get to safety and help provide their needs.


This content has been sourced from Voice of the Martyrs, Joshua Project, and Global Christian Relief.