SY Weekends


Becoming fully alive in God’s Kingdom involves realizing that you’re an important part of the body of Christ. This is why we dedicate our weekends to serving nearly every ministry Shepherd has to offer. Whether you want to lead a table of preschoolers at Shepherd Kids or operate a camera for service, we’re here to help get the ball rolling. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!

Apply to Serve

Sit with Us

New to Shepherd Youth? We would love to sit with you and talk through all that students are up to here at Shepherd. Ask about “Sitting with Shepherd Youth” at the information center or find a youth representative.

Want to set it up ahead of time?
Email Us

*Please note that students are also welcome to join the main service worship experience. Find a youth representative if you would like to sit with them!

Study with Us

Are you looking to dive even deeper into what you learned at D-Groups? Saturdays during service at Porter Ranch, we offer a lecture-style study that helps you go even deeper. Meet us by the youth and sports center and bring your notes from Wednesday!