
Day 2 - China

In China, the only legal Church is controlled by the Communist government where they control Churches, watch their activities, and make sure the Church is abiding by the rules which don't allow Christians to worship and gather freely. Due to this, many Christians are a part of underground house Churches in China where they meet in secret, and many Chinese Christians do not have their own Bible. To donate to the 10,000 Bibles being raised for China, please click the button below.

Prepare Your Heart

Watch this 3-minute video about what is going on in China followed with a prayer.


  • Praise God for the strong vision of the Chinese Church.
  • Praise God for the workers that the Chinese Church sends out to unreached minorities within China and beyond.
  • Praise God for the faithful missionaries in China who despite persecution, continue to plant churches, preach the Gospel, and distribute Bibles.


  • Pray for laborers from around the world to be sent to reach the over 1 billion unsaved people in China.
  • Pray for boldness for Chinese believers to share the Gospel and be protected while doing it.
  • Pray for the Churches in China that have to get relocated regularly and are discriminated against because they are a Faith-based organization.

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day2_china.jpgThis content has been sourced from Voice of the Martyrs, Joshua Project, and Global Christian Relief.