
Day 12 - India

In India, persecution towards Christians is often violent attacks, imprisonment, and even death. India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, is working to make India a pure Hindu nation. This has caused persecution for Believers to become more frequent and worse in the last year. In India, there are anti-conversion laws that have been used against Pastors, Church planters, and Evangelists. Many rural Christians have never had access to a Bible. To donate to the 10,000 Bibles being raised for India, please click the link below.

Prepare Your Heart

Watch this prayer video on Srinagar, India as you prepare your heart to praise and pray.


  • Excellent healthcare and medical training were two of Christianity’s finest contributions to India, Praise God for this, and let’s pray these are preserved.
  • Praise God for the many Christians who are in the medical field who have the opportunity to share the Good News in different cities.


  • Pray that the government will choose to build on the progress of recent decades, especially to preserve and protect human dignity, rights, and freedoms.
  • Pray for the youth – half of India is under age 30, and 25% under age 15 – to shape India’s future for Jesus. They are a hugely strategic group, completely new and different missiological strategies must be undertaken to communicate and model the gospel to them

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This content has been sourced from Voice of the Martyrs, Joshua Project, and Global Christian Relief.