All Written Video
Jul 31, 2018
A Time For Love

Bryant was sitting next to the love of his life one Saturday night at Shepherd Church. Pastor Jeff Walling was preaching the last sermon of the Eternal Love series; a series based on the Song of Solomon where Walling explained the look of love, how love keeps us together, and how to obtain endless love.

In this last sermon, Pastor Walling focused on the enemy of love, sharing that the enemy of love is not hate, but time.

Bryant walked into the service that evening already knowing that Nancy would soon be his bride. The engagement ring was in the glovebox of his car in the parking lot. He had purchased it a few weeks before, carrying it with him and patiently waiting for the perfect time to propose. Nancy_1.jpg

This series really opened Bryant’s eyes to the blessing of love and marriage. At the conclusion of the final sermon, Bryant felt validation that there was no more time to waste and he decided then that he didn’t want to spend another minute without Nancy by his side.

Though he wanted to drop down on one knee right there following this conviction, Bryant didn’t have the ring on his person. He felt the next best thing was to bring Nancy to the location of their first date instead.

Zuma Beach.

The two initially met back in college through a mutual friend. Nancy knew the importance of being equally yoked so this was one of the first things she asked him on that first date. Though she was not brought up in a Christian home, Nancy found the Lord later in life. She was relieved when Bryant shared that he also knew Jesus as his Lord and that he grew up in the church.

They went on several more dates in the months to follow until Nancy attended Shepherd’s Women’s Encounter trip where she received a letter from Bryant asking if she would take his hand in a courtship. Having surrendered completely to God and experiencing His love and freedom, Nancy accepted Bryant’s invitation.

From that date forward, the two would fall more in love with each other and continue to grow closer to Christ before they made the decision to get baptized together at Shepherd’s Baptisms at the Beach.

Three more years of loving God and loving each other would pass until the couple would find themselves back at the same beach their first date took place, creating a new date they would forever cherish.

Following the last Eternal Love sermon, Bryant drove Nancy to Zuma beach one last time as his girlfriend. Seated in the sand, he began to explain to Nancy how much he loved her and his appreciation for her love for the Lord. Because Nancy continued to keep God first, it drew Bryant to do the same and in turn has flourished their relationship together.
Bryant handed Nancy a memento rock split in two that forms a heart when put together. He had given her half of the rock three years prior when they began dating. He then asked her to open the rocks and read what was inside, but Nancy was having a difficult timing reading the rock in the dark.

Bryant then offered her some light while getting down on one knee. He opened a small box that had a light, illuminating her diamond engagement ring.

Nancy began shouting “Yes!” as Bryant continued with his proposal. They left the beach elated that evening with plans to soon join as one in Holy Matrimony.